Aromatherapy can be defined as the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body, mind and spirit. Essential oils is a liquid that is generally distilled (most frequently by steam or water) from the leaves, stems, flowers, bark, roots, or other elements of a plant. Essential oils, contrary to the use of the word "oil" are not really oily-feeling at all. Most essential oils are clear, but some oils such as patchouli, orange and lemongrass are amber or yellow in color. Price differences of essential oils
One of the most expensive essenial oil is Rose, requires 2-4,000 kgs. of Rose petals to make 1kg of Rose oil. 10,000 kgs. of Melissa (Lemon Balm) oil plants are needed to distill 1 litre of pure Lemon Balm oil. By comparison only 30 kg of Eucalyptus leaves are needed to make 1 litre of Eucalyptus oil.

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